
Saturday 2 May 2015

Reverie Roundup! (4)

Hello all, welcome to the 4th edition of Reverie Roundup. Let's get stuck into it!

Triceratops Wall Hanging - Hungry Designs
Availability: $51.19 AUD (at time of post - currency conversions will cause fluctuation) from Hungry Designs.
As we discussed in the last Reverie Roundup, I love supporting local talent. Amanda from Hungry Designs is another Queensland local, and an amazing person to boot. If you don't follow her Instagram account (@hungrydesigns) you need to, Amanda not only posts pictures of her artwork, but you will also be treated to photos of her amazing cupcakes and sneak peeks inside her beautiful home. She has the most whimsical decor and the few times I've visited her I never want to leave! Enough gushing though, this little Triceratops lives on an archway above our door and overlooks the living room. He was hand drawn and then sculpted into this amazing resin creation. Perfect for dinosaur enthusiasts like me!

Mountain Pen Pack - Kikki.K
Availability: $9.95 AUD (pack of 5) from Kikki.K
I have a bit of an obsession with pens, and Kikki.K's ballpoint pens have to be some of my favourites. They write beautifully and come in the cutest designs. This mountain design pack comes with cute little hedgehogs and foxes and I love the blue and pink colour palette. They update their designs frequently and always have several different packs available, so even if these particular designs don't take your fancy there will probably be another pack that does.

Nic Cage Nibbling Petit Fours in a Posh Victorian Tearoom - Shiro Cosmetics
Availability: $10.45 AUD from Femme Fatale Cosmetics, or $8 USD from Shiro.
Yep, another Shiro product has appeared on my blog, what a surprise (can you tell that I really love their products?) NCNPFIAPVT (yeah I wasn't typing that name again!) is going to be a bit of a holy grail item for me in the coming months. In swatches I've seen it appears quite red toned, however on me it's a lovely soft brown that reminds me of chocolate milk, it's exactly what I've been looking for for Autumn. No doubt I'll be reviewing this one properly soon.

Photo credit: Solestruck

Dioon 180 Platform Boot - Vagabond
Availability: $79.95 USD (on sale) from Solestruck.
Normally I don't buy shoes online unless there's free returns available, I'm often between sizes and 60% of the time when I buy shoes online they don't fit. I took a chance on these shoes and I'm so glad I did, they have to be the most comfortable heels/platform shoes that I've ever worn. I can wear them all day and it just feels like I'm wearing flats. Solestruck only have limited sizes left in stock, but the Dioon style is one that seems to be frequently released in new colours and finishes (I believe ASOS stock them too) so keep your eye out! Just for reference, I'm normally between a size 9 and 10 and the 10 fits me perfectly.

Floating Glitter Phone Case - Ebay
Availability: Prices starting at $4.35 AUD on Ebay.
I've been using this phone case for a few months now, and I love it so frickin' much. The glitters aren't static, they're encased in some sort of liquid which means you can tip your phone upside down and watch them fall from one end to the other. I've amused myself in a lot of uni lectures just watching the glitters float around. I purposely picked a case with holographic glitters in it for extra entertainment value. Because the glitters are encased in liquid it does mean the case is going to make your phone a little thicker than an average case would, but if you love shiny things I definitely recommend grabbing yourself one. Jump on Ebay and search the model of your phone along with "glitter case".

And that completes another Reverie Roundup!

Thanks for reading!
xx Anthea


  1. And off I skip to ebay, to look at glitter phone cases.. :) I love that little hoggie pen too, very cute

    1. Thanks Relle! You definitely need one of those cases!
